
Hezi Badnany

Vibrational Healing Session

First and foremost, I'd like to thank my ancestors for their guidance. 

Also, I would like to thank you for choosing me to be a part of your healing journey. 

My work is deeply rooted in herbal medicine and energy healing. Since a very young age, I have had the honor to learn and practice original medicine with several master healers. 

I grew up in Israel in a Sephardic Jewish family that immigrated from Iraq to Israel after WW2. After spending my teen years in Israel, I chose to travel the world, explore different cultures, and expand my knowledge of healing techniques.

Growing up with an Iraqi grandma, I was inspired and exposed to herbalism and plant-based remedies from a very young age. My grandmother Miriam used the most vibrant and flavorful spices in her kitchen; she attended her garden plot, where she grew herbs, plants, and vegetables.
Thanks to this rich experience, I chose to pursue the path of herbalism and culinary. I graduated from the International Culinary Center, Arborvitae School of Traditional Herbalism, and received my Reiki diplomas from the NYC Reiki Center.

Practicing different healing techniques with my clients throughout the years, I gained valuable knowledge and experience.
I have developed a method of my own called; Multi Vibrational Healing and started my practice in New York City, known to you as Healingz.
Using Multi Vibrational Healing to maximize your body's healing potential, we will work on different aspects of the self, heal, transform, and evolve.