A Healer's Journey

I'm not a big fan of people that refer to themselves as healers; I believe that when you call yourself a healer, it comes from a place of ego.

Yes, I help people heal, and yes, people go through a positive shift in their lives through our mutual healing journey, but I never referred to myself as a healer, and I never will.

I'm a practitioner of the healing arts; studying Reiki, sound healing, and light therapy, plus going through spiritual journeys with several masters, got me to a point where I decided to make it my life path and help people in their healing journey, for that reason Healingz was born.

I am blessed. I feel blessed in a way only a few can understand. Everybody knows that living in New York is not easy, this city will chew you up and spit you out so many times, but in the end, it will accept you, and when it does, nothing can compare to that feeling, the feeling of belonging. I surrounded myself with a small circle of people I'm honored to call my friends; So supportive and loving, and I'm thankful for each and every one of them.

Healingz was a group effort, every one of my friends took his/hers part in making it what it is today; it is still in its infant stage but with tremendous potential to grow and expand. In the last few months, since Healingz was born, I was able to help a considerable amount of clients in their healing process. Whether it was a physical, emotional, or spiritual issue, we worked together to restore balance to every aspect of their life.

I guess I just wanted to thank you, thank you for reading, for the support, and for being part of this journey.

With much love and appreciation,




Passover- Holiday Of Liberation


Forgiving Your Dad