Fear And Trauma In The Physical Body

Over the last month and a half, I've been going through an intense physical and energetic shift, a deep healing.

About six weeks ago, I decided I was ready to take the next step in my healing process. I dug deep, discovering trauma that controlled different aspects of my life with fear.

I gave myself treatments, went to a shaman, and saw a master sound healer until one day, during a drumming/ gong session, I felt an eerie feeling crawling up my back. As I tapped into that feeling, my body felt like it was possessed, and my hands started moving uncontrollably, tapping the drum, bringing a familiar rhythm from my past.

While I was drumming, I started calling my inner child and gave him a mental hug and a safe space for him to heal; suddenly, a burst of yellow color came out from my spleen and surrounded my pancreas and my solar plexus chakra, making its way up towards my heart.

Since that day, my whole digestive system has been going through a deep cleanse, an energetic and physical detox, making it hard to perform simple everyday tasks.

I could hardly eat, living off a banana and a date every day for a week until I got to a point where I sought medical care. 

The doctor ran tests, and most came back great, except for the news that I had kidney stones. I put myself under a protocol, using a variety of herbs and roots, and managed to pass the stones in a record time of only three days!

To this day, I am still integrating and nourishing my liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and lungs. Making changes to my diet and "upgrading" my whole digestive system. 

Clearing all that fear and emotional trauma from my body has made a vast shift in my energy, giving more room for more love and joy to enter my life and making me feel my emotions more profoundly. In addition, my psychic abilities have grown. I can see even deeper and tap into energies I didn't have access to before, so exciting!

My healing journey is far from over, but I welcome every challenge and blessing with gratitude, and I genuinely appreciate the people in my life and the knowledge I gain in the process.


Sound Healing In NYC