Sound Healing In NYC

As I keep evolving and learning the different aspects and modalities of energy work, the universe sends Max my way. Max is a 72-year-old guy who dedicated his life to learning and teaching Sound healing, Yoga, Qi gong, and many more modalities of energy healing.

I met Max when I came across his store a few months ago while looking to purchase new crystals. His presence was captivating, and I immediately knew this was the beginning of something special.

For the last few months, I've been visiting Max's store about once a week; I buy most of my crystals from him and take some of my clients there when they need a unique gift.

He taught me sound healing techniques that I've never heard of before, and honestly, I don't know if many people are familiar with them.

For example, how to use my voice and ground my body as I connect my throat chakra to the lower ones. A sound healing technique that I recommend every healing practitioner to add to their skill set.

He has ignited the spark within me to explore the fascinating world of Sound healing, and since then, I have been hooked. Sound healing has become an integral part of my healing practice, and I can't thank him enough!

You can check out his website here:


Fear And Trauma In The Physical Body


A Shaman In NYC