Natural Remedies And UTIs

A few months ago, something odd happened; most clients who came for a healing session struggled with UTIs or sexual disorders. A couple of them even shared that UTIs were a thing they experienced throughout their life, and no matter how many cycles of antibiotics they take a year, the issue will not resolve!

My belief (and many others); is that every physical disorder we're experiencing is rooted in the emotional and energetic aspect of the self. We cannot treat only one of the bodies ( physical, emotional, or energetical) and hope; that the problem will go away. We need to work on all the aspects of the self in a more wholesome approach if we strive for proper healing.

We worked predominantly on the Sacral Chakra (the sexual center of the body), performed energetic extractions, and with some, I had to correct karmic traumas from past life to bring healing to the present. In addition to the spiritual and emotional aspects, I directed my clients to drink Corn silk tea which is known as a magnificent remedy for UTIs as it contains flavonoids and terpenoids, which help to relax the lining of the bladder and urinary tubules, and in addition, relieves irritation and increase urine secretion. Corn silk is also a good remedy for edema, kidney stones, and prostate disorders; and acts as a diuretic.

Hopefully, you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading and for your support.


Qi/Chi: The Universal Energy


Unconditional Love ≠ Unconditional Tolerance