Unconditional Love ≠ Unconditional Tolerance

When you go through a healing process, your perspective on the world shifts; You dive into the darkest parts of your soul and return to the light as a different person. No one prepares you for it, and no one explains that you are not the only one who changes during that process. No, your entire life changes with it. You start to see more clearly and develop zero tolerance for bullshit. You learn to appreciate alone time, and small talks feel like a waste of time. But that's not all; as a recovering people pleaser, I can say that one of the most challenging things for me was setting up and maintaining healthy boundaries. It cost me some of my closest relationships. Nevertheless, I regret nothing; I've come to know myself in a way I never did before; and established new and meaningful connections in no time with some of the most authentic and genuine people I have ever got to know. Yes, it's scary, and yes, it's uncomfortable, and sometimes you feel like the ground is collapsing underneath your feet; it's not for everyone, but if you are ready to make that jump, know that I'm here to support you if you choose me too.



Natural Remedies And UTIs


Living A Happier Life: Expanding Our Energetic Vessel